Why do we need a cold liquor tank in a brewery?

A cold liquor tank (CLT) is an essential piece of equipment in a brewery, especially for those that use a heat exchanger or plate chiller to cool the wort after boiling.
April 13, 2023

A cold liquor tank (CLT) is an essential piece of equipment in a brewery, especially for those that use a heat exchanger or plate chiller to cool the wort after boiling. Here are some reasons why a cold liquor tank is important for breweries:

Temperature Control: A cold liquor tank provides temperature control for the cold water used in the brewing process. This ensures that the water is at a consistent temperature and is available on-demand when needed in the brewing process.

Cooling the Wort: After boiling, the wort needs to be cooled quickly to the right temperature for fermentation. A CLT provides the necessary cold water to the heat exchanger or plate chiller, allowing the wort to be cooled quickly and efficiently.

Efficiency: A CLT allows for a more efficient use of water. By reusing the same water to cool the wort, the brewery can reduce water consumption and save money on utility bills.

Consistency: The use of a CLT ensures that the same amount of cold water is used every time, resulting in consistent brewing conditions and consistent beer quality.

Overall, a cold liquor tank is a crucial component of a brewery's infrastructure. It allows for efficient cooling of the wort, temperature control, water conservation, and consistency in the brewing process, all of which contribute to producing high-quality beer.

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