Pot Stills
Quality stills that allow you to retain maximum flavour in the production of whiskey, brandy, rum & agave spirit
- Safe, efficient and easy to use designs
- Working capacity: 200l to 10,000l+
- Premium quality red copper and stainless-steel construction
- High purity Argon arc welding
- Steam jacketed or electric bain-marie heating
- Copper swan neck and Lyne arm
- Copper and stainless-steel condenser and dephlegmator
- Glass parrot outlet
- Glass door manway
- Thermometer
- Pressure Vacuum Relief Valve
- Shock proof pressure gauge
- 24V LED explosion proof light
- Level gauge
- Bottom drain outlet
- 360° CIP spray ball
- Stainless-steel cladding and legs with leveling pads

Get in touch with the PMG team today